The consumer market in Poland and in European Union provides a detailed legal protection to consumers buying goods and using services provided by entrepreneurs running different businesses: shops, travel agencies, transportation, gyms, sport centers, spas, hotels, etc. In each case you may seek compensation or other form of satisfaction in any dispute with service provider or seller. My professional advice might be a helpful hand, providing that all consumer related matters are conducted in Polish language
My law firm provides the following assistance:
- help and representation in consumer cases and disputes involving defects in product and negligence of services, incompatibilities or non-conformance of services with the contract, representation in guarantees and warranties disputes.
- assistance in all problems with interpretation or execution of contracts, including settlement, disputes, mediation or negotiations relating to the telecommunication services, travel and tourism, banking, purchase of goods, car purchase, lease or hire, basic housing services (electricity, gas, water), lease or rental agreements and other consumer contracts.
My law firm provides also support for entrepreneurs in creating regulations, terms and conditions of goods sell, contract templates for services, Terms and conditions of contests, premium sales or any other events.
The law firm also provides representation in disputes with consumer associations in cases involving abusive contract clauses or disputes with other traders about the principles of fair competition.
I also provide assistance in creation of regulations for personal data protection and processing in connection with your business.